A woman sitting in the back of a car.

Where Every Road Trip is a Celebration of Speed, Style, and the Simple Joy of a Good Cup of Coffee

A white background with a black and white logo
A woman sitting in the back of a red car.

Sipping Coffee, Living Porsche Dreams!

In a world where elegance meets horsepower, meet Stefania Buckley, the Italian Lady with class, style, and speed. Picture this: Coffee to go in one hand, steering the wheel of her Porsche 930 with the other.

As far back as I can remember, my heart beats to the rhythm of vintage cars with manual transmissions. At 16, just months after earning my driver's license, I persuaded my parents to gift me a red 1977 Triumph Spitfire 1500 convertible. I vividly recall racing over the Golden Gate Bridge with my best friends, hair tousled in the wind, belting out "Tears for Fears" songs. Post-college, my journey led me to pioneer specialty coffee at Starbucks. Among my first cars was another red convertible, this time a Mazda Miata. Commuting with the top-down between cities made each workday infinitely more enjoyable.

Now, slipping into my vintage Porsche, the creak of the old doors, the classic aroma, and the purr of the engine as I shift gears evoke nostalgia. My respect for these cars is immense. Preserving the technology and design of a bygone era is both an honor and a responsibility that I cherish. In return, my cars provide immense satisfaction and a sense of freedom. Driving, my vintage collection holds an irresistible allure." In Stefania's world, every car ride is a symphony of nostalgia and freedom, a blend of cultures, languages, and the timeless joy of the open road. Join Stefania Buckley on her Porsche journey – where every road trip is a celebration of speed, style, and the simple joy of a good cup of coffee!